A revolution
in running Training

training roulette: middle distance programme

Revitalise your training, hit your weaknesses and regain motivation with this TRAINING ROULETTE system. 

This programme is designed around a middle distance training programme. It’s ideal for anyone trying to get better at distances from 1mile to 10k.

It’s made up of 24 of our favourite sessions. Each one specifically targets a key component of running; speed, endurance or a combination of both. 

Either roll a dice to keep things fresh, or choose one of these carefully designed sessions to improve performance.

Workout Roulette

Take the guess work out of core workouts

One of the best ways of increasing running performance is by adding strength and conditioning exercises to your training programmes. 

But it can be difficult to add enough variety to hit all the major muscle groups. Not any more. Workout roulette takes the guess work out of core work. 

Roll the dice to find out which type of exercise you need to do. Roll again for the specific workout. 

All exercises are designed to target muscle groups which help stabilise your body during intense running training. You can either do one minute per exercise or 8 reps, 4 sets. For single leg/arm exercises, do 8 on each side.

Workout Roulette - Strength final.001

Recommended Equipment

To get the best results, it’s helpful to have some exercise equipment. Check out our list of recommended kit, carefully chosen to maximise the effectiveness of workouts and increase the variety of exercises you can do at home.

We’ve collated a list of the best equipment every runner should own – just click below. To make the list, the kit has to be affordable, portable, versatile and effective. There’s no point spending a fortune on state of the art devices if you don’t enjoy using it or give up because you don’t see any results.