Motivation is in short supply at the moment. Races are cancelled, group runs on hold, millions are in lockdown, and it’s cold and wet outside.
It’s the perfect time for a fitness challenge to give you something to test yourself. And this is the perfect challenge: you’re trading screen time for fitness.
We’re all spending more time than ever glued to our screens and devices. It’s not healthy. And be honest, a lot of it isn’t necessary for work, it’s hours flicking through instagram.
So let’s turn that into something more productive. For the next 30 days you’re going to turn a bad habit into training goals. Think about how fit you’d get if you trained for as long as you screen surfed.
What are the Rules:

Each morning go into your phone settings and find out yesterday’s screen time. You’ll probably be shocked. Now turn that time into either a run or workout. You have a choice.
For every hour, you have to run a mile. Or every minute equates to one push up or weighted squat.
Every hour = 1mile run / 10km cycle
Every minute = 1 push up / chin up / sit up / squat
If you spent 7hours and 15 minutes (235mins) looking at pictures on @Iamspeedsecrets’ instagram profile, firstly, congratulations, you have excellent taste. But now you have to do a 7.15mile run. Or, 435 push ups / sit up / chin up etc – or a combination of all of them.
Damn, it’s payback time for those 96 minutes watching cat videos! Who am I kidding, I regret nothing!
Make #ScreenTimeChallenge Work for you:
The best challenges are not just a real test of physical or mental fortitude, they have to be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
So make sure you’re pushing yourself, but also get the challenge to work within your training programme. Winter’s a great time to work on your core strength.
This challenge is a win/win. Cut down your screen time and the exercises get easier – it’s a virtuous circle.
And it all balances out. You spend ages on your phone, so you have to run / work out all next day… So you don’t have time to spend on your phone. So you get a rest day… To spend on your phone. Aggghhhhh.
Get Competitive:
Now challenge your friends. If you take on the challence, nominate three friends. The first one to crack has to do a forfeit. Use the #ScreenTimeChallenge.
Log your runs by joining the Speed Secrets team on strava.