Screen Time Challenge: Turning Hours on Your Phone into Fitness

photo of man with muscular body

Motivation is in short supply at the moment. Races are cancelled, group runs on hold, millions are in lockdown, and it’s cold and wet outside. 

It’s the perfect time for a fitness challenge to give you something to test yourself. And this is the perfect challenge: you’re trading screen time for fitness.

We’re all spending more time than ever glued to our screens and devices. It’s not healthy. And be honest, a lot of it isn’t necessary for work, it’s hours flicking through instagram. 

So let’s turn that into something more productive. For the next 30 days you’re going to turn a bad habit into training goals. Think about how fit you’d get if you trained for as long as you screen surfed.

What are the Rules:

Rules: The rules are simple – turn phone time into fitness.

Each morning go into your phone settings and find out yesterday’s screen time. You’ll probably be shocked. Now turn that time into either a run or workout. You have a choice. 

For every hour, you have to run a mile. Or every minute equates to one push up or weighted squat.

Every hour = 1mile run / 10km cycle

Every minute = 1 push up / chin up / sit up / squat

If you spent 7hours and 15 minutes (235mins) looking at pictures on @Iamspeedsecrets’ instagram profile, firstly, congratulations, you have excellent taste. But now you have to do a 7.15mile run. Or, 435 push ups / sit up / chin up etc – or a combination of all of them. 

Damn, it’s payback time for those 96 minutes watching cat videos! Who am I kidding, I regret nothing!

Make #ScreenTimeChallenge Work for you:

The best challenges are not just a real test of physical or mental fortitude, they have to be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.  

So make sure you’re pushing yourself, but also get the challenge to work within your training programme. Winter’s a great time to work on your core strength. 

This challenge is a win/win. Cut down your screen time and the exercises get easier – it’s a virtuous circle.

And it all balances out. You spend ages on your phone, so you have to run / work out all next day… So you don’t have time to spend on your phone. So you get a rest day… To spend on your phone. Aggghhhhh.

Get Competitive:

Now challenge your friends. If you take on the challence, nominate three friends. The first one to crack has to do a forfeit. Use the #ScreenTimeChallenge.

Log your runs by joining the Speed Secrets team on strava.

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