
Best Resistance Workouts For Runners: Session Guide for Beginners to Intermediate

woman in gray sports bra holding black dumbbell

How do you get relatively quick, easy, but significant performance gains? Adding weight training to your weekly workout schedule.

We covered the science and research, which shows benefits of up to 8% in middle and long distance runners, in a previous post [linked here].

Now you understand some of the physiological gains that can be achieved through resistance training, the next question is; what workouts are best for runners? 

Best Workout For Beginner and Intermediate Runners

Here are some examples of sessions that you can do alongside your running.

They are specifically tailored to build strength and improve running performance. Once you’ve mastered the beginner programme, step up to intermediate. 

If you are unable to do any of the exercises using the correct technique, then please choose the corresponding regression from the session underneath. 

What Weight Should I Use?

It’s important to get the technique correct and maintain good form through out an exercise. You don’t want to put on too much weight too soon. It’s a quick way to get injured and you end up cutting corners. 

Here’s a good rule of thumb; for exercises that require weights, you should feel like you could have squeezed out an extra two or three reps at the end of the sets. It’s too heavy if you’re struggling to complete a set.

If you have any questions about any of the exercises, leave a comment below and we’ll try to answer as soon as possible.

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